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As has been said before the bullets sometimes phaze through the enemies. I think the reason is probably just that the bullets move too quickly, so one frame it's in front of the enemy, does a collision check, and sees no collision. The frame after it has moved far enough that it's behind the enemy instead, and again, no collision. That's my hypothesis at least. Good work anyway!

OHH that would make sense.

It basic just check distance between every bullet and enemy, if it's bellow certain value it accounts a hit. On my Linux Desktop worked fine but Web not so much but at the same time web seems to have lower frame rate (see how long  yellow lines that represent flying bullets are ? on PC those are like 2 pixels) So that add up. Thanks. (I can't edit it now but maybe i will come back to this project in the future)

Indeed the game no finished, it is quite tedious to play and it is a pity not to be able to move the player when shooting.

(1 edit)

Yea at start  i wanted enemies attacking you while player is moving but integrating "A start" path finding turned out to be too hard for me to do in time, so i kinda improvised, and after trying doing something too complex i   kinda went to far in other direction and made something too simple. Instead of making aliens goings in strait line and slowly destroying blocks after colliding with blocks while  player is moving(as was it was one of my ideas) i made something like... this... well mistakes were made.